Call it logging into your higher self or reaching into your deeper being – or, for some people, connecting to natural wisdom which feels like common sense – we all have access to intuition. It is a native, innate part of being human. It’s just that we don’t all use our intuition or use it as powerfully as we could.
That is often the reason why we might find ourselves in places situations or relationships where we know we don’t belong, wondering how on earth we got there.

When we do engage with all our currents of inner wisdom and guidance – our energy, our feelings, our subtle-sensing beyond what is obvious and logical – we often find we make our best decisions. We meet the people we cannot imagine living life without, we find our dream job – the one that seems as if it were made perfectly and specifically for us – we manifest our best and most delightful creations. We follow our hearts into spaces which are healthy, joyful and meaningful, we curate our own world, rather having one imposed upon us like an ill-fitting outfit.
Personally, the more I have connected to all the sources of these currents, the more I live in daily gratitude and awe at how wonderful it is to be able to trust my intuition, my depths, my inner guide whose soul reason-for-being is to ensure my health, freedom and happiness and that I serve in the way the world is best served by me.

One of the ways we can understand what needs to be done to access our intuitive flow and live with the resulting abundant benefits, is to look at the habits and lifestyles of people who are thriving in their highly intuitive traits.
Here are 10 traits shared by highly intuitive people.
- Highly intuitive people are self-aware – they listen to and learn about themselves from within. They are interested in, and pay attention to, their feelings, physical sensations and instincts. They also honour their realms of awareness beyond logical thinking, such as the content of their dreams and daydreams.
- They feel inward before they feel outward into the world, getting clear on what their own vibrations are before looking for more information from outside. This habit allows them to be discerning about what they receive from the world and what they don’t, rather than arbitrarily soaking up all the energies coming their way.
- They pay great respect to the physical manifestation of intuition in their bodies – trusting “gut feelings”, noticing what literally lights their hearts and allowing their bodies to take a reading on things before submitting them to their minds for more attention. They take time to ground their feelings, rather than asking their feelings to submit themselves to the patterns of their minds.

- They are able to distinguish between what is learned information and training they may have encoded and what is their natural, innate wisdom. They do their work to release anything that has a hold on them that does not truly belong to them – body, mind and soul.
- They have done inner work that enables them to identify what makes them feel fearful or insecure, so that they do not confuse feelings of fear, dread or doubt with intuition.

- They spend lots of time alone and make spending time alone with themselves a priority. They especially cherish time spent in nature, which is clearing and nourishing. They use their personal space to listen to their inner voices and simply to breathe with their own energies. They are wise to the value of taking time away from stimuli such as screens, crowds and small-talk which are energy-draining.

- They have befriended all parts of themselves and have learned to trust themselves, by honouring their needs and their feelings. This way they are in touch with themselves and are able to connect with and discern what is valuable intuition and what is simply chat
- They follow their hearts. They are more interested in what brings them love, joy and a sense of meaning than they are in superficial values of what people “should” and “shouldn’t” do. In fact, the word “should” is pretty much banned from their internal language. Being mindful of their hearts as a priority, makes them truly heart-centred people who attract great friendships and radiate love, light and compassion.

- They have a vibrancy about them as they know how to replenish in the sanctuary of their own energy fields. Their heart centred approach and sensitive awareness allows them to seek out and draw in that which is most healthy and vitalising for them as an individual.
- Highly intuitive people prize their individuality. They trust their inner wisdom even when it might not make sense to anyone else. They would rather risk offending someone else’s sensibilities than dishonouring their own truth and wisdom. They are therefore empowered and powerful people who enjoy a sense of freedom from external systems and are immune to attempts by others to control or dis-empower them. They won’t be squeezed into a box because they live in their own, perfect, energy container.
You may enjoy this guided meditation“Open The Flow Of Your Deep Intuition”which brings you directly back into your own powerful, intuitive being.
If you are aware of external forces which are conflicting with your ability to fully receive yourself and your deep knowing, you may like to try this affirmation-meditation “I Choose To Claim My Power”.
Photo Credits all from Unsplash: Rhett Wesley, Ihor Malytskyi, Aditya Saxena, Brandon Wong, Jeremy Yap, Jimena, Jack B and Priscilla du Preez