Are you too busy to meditate?
Do you not have the right kind of space, routine, body, breathing pattern, mind-set?
What if I were to say to you – don’t worry about any of that. You have at your fingertips the one only really important thing you need to be able to meditate. You have you.
And don’t worry about how little time you have. The most essential of all meditation practices requires only one commitment and it has nothing to do with time.
And if you think the two most important words in meditation might be “Be present” or “Just breathe”, you might consider again.
The two most important words in meditation are Show Up.
Show up for yourself. Show up for yourself exactly as you are. Show up for yourself as you would show up for a dear friend to whom your door is always wide open and who can do and say no wrong and should you hope, be able to be completely themselves in your company.
As soon as you make a conscious decision to be conscious you are showing up.
If it takes pausing for a few conscious breaths only – it doesn’t matter – you showed up. If it takes pausing on the threshold of an argument you don’t want to have, holding back a thought you choose not to express, saying no to an invitation it doesn’t serve you to accept or any other moment where you have a choice how to protect and serve and give your energy…. That pause is you showing up.
Meditation is an awareness practice. Every time we are conscious and aware and awake to our energy – how we are feeling – and the way it is vibing with external energies – how we are being touched by life – we are in this awareness.
Here’s a Show Up For Yourself meditation in 125 words. You can pause and linger in it or you can be with it for a few breaths. You can do it at the start of your day, the middle, the end and any moments in between. It is powerful and it shifts things.
Here it is. Wherever you are right now, you can begin.
Show up for yourself. Be with yourself for a moment. Feel your feet on the ground, earthing you. Feel the air on your skin as a bigger presence supporting and welcoming your expansion and growth. Take your hand to your heart and breathe there. Ask yourself how you are. Offer yourself some goodness. Take a moment with your eyes wide open to greet yourself and life and honour that ever constant, and yet miraculous, relationship. You are you. And you are alive at this particular time in eternity. And each moment is a new moment. Now take one conscious step or stride towards continuation, from a place of wholeness in the totality of life.