The World Is A Peaceful, Kind and Loving Place
The world is still kind.
Nothing has changed that.
Seven billion people are still peacefully going about their day.
.001 % are murdering others
If the world’s population were able to stand in one room, this fraction would be less visible than a grain of sand.
The powerful feelings that rise in our hearts when we witness any kind of cruelty is a manifestation of the supreme presence of Goodness. These impulses of love, of goodness, of compassion, of caring, of cherishing all life ARE the universe. So we can be thankful we feel these things, we can infuse ourselves with this naturally arising love and kindess and cherishing of life and in doing so, raise that vibration into the world. The world which remains loving, kind, luminous and flowing with grace.
(Gratitude to my teacher Dr. Lorin Roche for our conversations about kindness.)