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Full Moon Meditation

May 6, 2023 @ 6:00 pm - 7:15 pm


It’s time to Express and Create from our Truth

The full moon lunar eclipse in May puts a huge cosmic push into expression and creativity that are birthed from a place of truth.  It’s time for us to show up fully in the light, placing our most inward feelings into manifestation in the world.

With the moon in Scorpio, there will also be no hiding place for what is deceitful or inauthentic. As we see feelings expressed into life, we may get some surprises when it comes to existing structures and relationships in our personal lives. We are to take these are wise guidance, as we make choices going forward.

Meanwhile, the sun in Taurus shines a light into our hearts and what leading a life founded on what feels easeful, loving and like home to us, truly is. Certain things have been building inside at an intimate level and now is the time to release them into lifer, supported by the energy of the cosmos. This is a loving energy which puts a glow around all you have been working towards and hoping for in terms of your daily health and lifestyle and your individual offerings.

Allow yourself to move with this universal energy and be an open channel for spiritual and creative downloads. This is an exciting and pivotal time for conscious and spiritually-connected humans.


The full moon is a time of powerful illumination and energetic charge. Certain stories in our lives seem to climax at these times, while others begin. If we want to be in a receiving state to soak up the energy and direct it to where in our life it is needed, then meditating during full moon is a gift. It allows us to harness, assimilate and benefit from these cosmic energies in positive ways.

Whatever you might have been looking to clear and release, whatever visions and dreams you still have waiting inside of you to manifest, wherever within you there are things asking for compassion and acceptance, and those blessings you wish for your loved ones and the wider world, this is a powerful and magical time to bring them into your meditation.

I will guide you gently and deeply into your own deep experience, to fill your being with this cosmic light and allow it to support the healing of what needs to be healed and the expansion of what is ready to grow.

Investment: $35
Inna Bliss Yoga – Bulimba Studio

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May 6, 2023
6:00 pm - 7:15 pm
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Inna Bliss Bulimba
57-59 Oxford Street
Bulimba, QLD 4171 Australia
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